Rocket launch

A rocket launch is the takeoff phase of the flight of a rocket. Launches for orbital spaceflights, or launches into interplanetary space, are usually from a fixed location on the ground, but may also be from a floating platform (such as the Sea Launch vessel) or, potentially, from a superheavy An-225-class airplane Launches of suborbital flights (including missile launches), can also be from: Launches not into space can also be from: * the shoulder A skyrocket is launched from some stand.

Rocket launch

A rocket launch is the takeoff phase of the flight of a rocket. Launches for orbital spaceflights, or launches into interplanetary space, are usually from a fixed location on the ground, but may also be from a floating platform (such as the Sea Launch vessel) or, potentially, from a superheavy An-225-class airplane Launches of suborbital flights (including missile launches), can also be from: Launches not into space can also be from: * the shoulder A skyrocket is launched from some stand.