
Rodimus Prime is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers franchise. He was formerly known as Hot Rod and was first seen in The Transformers: The Movie but was reformatted into Rodimus Prime when he received the Autobot Matrix of Leadership from his mentor Optimus Prime, and assumed the role of the movie's protagonist. Hasbro has used the name Rodimus, Rodimus Major, and Hot Shot as replacements for later characters, due to trademark issues with the name Hot Rod. His alternate mode varies between depictions, but usually possesses a red and yellow paint job.


Rodimus Prime is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers franchise. He was formerly known as Hot Rod and was first seen in The Transformers: The Movie but was reformatted into Rodimus Prime when he received the Autobot Matrix of Leadership from his mentor Optimus Prime, and assumed the role of the movie's protagonist. Hasbro has used the name Rodimus, Rodimus Major, and Hot Shot as replacements for later characters, due to trademark issues with the name Hot Rod. His alternate mode varies between depictions, but usually possesses a red and yellow paint job.