Roman Holiday (1987 film)

Roman Holiday is a 1987 television film, based on 1953 film of the same name. The plot features Princess Elysa (Catherine Oxenberg), who is touring Rome, and decides to get 'out and about' away from her normal life. She meets with an American reporter and his photographer, who show her the sights. The reporter is initially more interested in a story than the Princess, but begins to fall for Her Highness...

Roman Holiday (1987 film)

Roman Holiday is a 1987 television film, based on 1953 film of the same name. The plot features Princess Elysa (Catherine Oxenberg), who is touring Rome, and decides to get 'out and about' away from her normal life. She meets with an American reporter and his photographer, who show her the sights. The reporter is initially more interested in a story than the Princess, but begins to fall for Her Highness...