Rose Emma Lamartine Yates

Rose Emma Lamartine Yates (23 February 1875 – 5 November 1954), née Janau, was an English social campaigner and suffragette. She was educated at the Sorbonne and Oxford. Together with her lawyer husband she worked for female suffrage from 1908 and during the First World War, and was willing to suffer arrest and incarceration for her beliefs. She travelled widely, giving lectures. She and her husband were also leading members of the Cyclists' Touring Club. After the war she was elected to the London County Council, where she campaigned for equal pay for men and women, better public housing, and the provision of nursery education. She later led the building of an archive of the suffrage campaign.

Rose Emma Lamartine Yates

Rose Emma Lamartine Yates (23 February 1875 – 5 November 1954), née Janau, was an English social campaigner and suffragette. She was educated at the Sorbonne and Oxford. Together with her lawyer husband she worked for female suffrage from 1908 and during the First World War, and was willing to suffer arrest and incarceration for her beliefs. She travelled widely, giving lectures. She and her husband were also leading members of the Cyclists' Touring Club. After the war she was elected to the London County Council, where she campaigned for equal pay for men and women, better public housing, and the provision of nursery education. She later led the building of an archive of the suffrage campaign.