Royal Teens

The Royal Teens was a New Jersey rock and roll band that formed in 1956, which was composed of Bob Gaudio on piano, Tom Austin on drums, Billy Dalton on guitar, and Billy Crandall on saxophone. The group is best known for its single "Short Shorts," which was a #3 hit in the United States in 1958. The follow-up single, 1959's "Believe Me," hit #26. The group recorded two albums and broke up in 1972.

Royal Teens

The Royal Teens was a New Jersey rock and roll band that formed in 1956, which was composed of Bob Gaudio on piano, Tom Austin on drums, Billy Dalton on guitar, and Billy Crandall on saxophone. The group is best known for its single "Short Shorts," which was a #3 hit in the United States in 1958. The follow-up single, 1959's "Believe Me," hit #26. The group recorded two albums and broke up in 1972.