Russian Party of Life

At the last legislative elections, 7 December 2003, the alliance of the Party of Russia's Rebirth and the Russian Party of Life party won only 1.9% of the popular vote and no seats, despite attracting to its list a number of Russian celebrities, most famously Oxana Fedorova. The Russian Party of Life merged with Rodina and the Russian Pensioners' Party into a new party, A Just Russia, on 28 October 2006.

Russian Party of Life

At the last legislative elections, 7 December 2003, the alliance of the Party of Russia's Rebirth and the Russian Party of Life party won only 1.9% of the popular vote and no seats, despite attracting to its list a number of Russian celebrities, most famously Oxana Fedorova. The Russian Party of Life merged with Rodina and the Russian Pensioners' Party into a new party, A Just Russia, on 28 October 2006.