SAP Community Network

SAP Community Network (SCN) is the official user community of SAP SE. SAP software users, developers, consultants, mentors and students use the SAP Community Network to get help, share ideas, learn, innovate and connect with others. There are an average of 2 million unique visitors to SCN each month, who use the wealth of information that has been shared on the site.SCN has over 430 spaces (sub-groups) dedicated to SAP products, topics, technologies, industries, programming languages (such as ABAP) and more. Almost all spaces contain related discussion threads (forums), blogs, documents, elearning, and polls. There are also several spaces in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Russian.

SAP Community Network

SAP Community Network (SCN) is the official user community of SAP SE. SAP software users, developers, consultants, mentors and students use the SAP Community Network to get help, share ideas, learn, innovate and connect with others. There are an average of 2 million unique visitors to SCN each month, who use the wealth of information that has been shared on the site.SCN has over 430 spaces (sub-groups) dedicated to SAP products, topics, technologies, industries, programming languages (such as ABAP) and more. Almost all spaces contain related discussion threads (forums), blogs, documents, elearning, and polls. There are also several spaces in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Russian.