SS Springfjord

SS Springfjord was a 2,036 GRT cargo ship that was launched in Norway for a British shipping company in 1939, taken over by Nazi Germany in 1940, re-taken by the United Kingdom in 1945 and destroyed by the CIA in Guatemala in 1954. In 1939 Trondhjems mekaniske Værksted (TMV) of Trondheim, Norway launched Springfjord for Springwell Shipping Co, Ltd of London. Springwell created a separate company, Springfjord Shipping Co, Ltd, to actually own the ship. Springford was a conventional cargo steamer of her era, powered by a three-cylinder triple-expansion steam engine of TMV's own manufacture.

SS Springfjord

SS Springfjord was a 2,036 GRT cargo ship that was launched in Norway for a British shipping company in 1939, taken over by Nazi Germany in 1940, re-taken by the United Kingdom in 1945 and destroyed by the CIA in Guatemala in 1954. In 1939 Trondhjems mekaniske Værksted (TMV) of Trondheim, Norway launched Springfjord for Springwell Shipping Co, Ltd of London. Springwell created a separate company, Springfjord Shipping Co, Ltd, to actually own the ship. Springford was a conventional cargo steamer of her era, powered by a three-cylinder triple-expansion steam engine of TMV's own manufacture.