SS Valbanera

Although most of the passengers were booked for Havana, 749 left the ship when it called at Santiago de Cuba on September 5. The 1919 Florida Keys Hurricane hit Havana on September 8, before Valbanera reached the port. While the storm was raging an unidentified ship was seen off the harbor entrance signaling for a pilot, but the harbor was closed and the ship was notified it could not enter. The ship acknowledged, and signaled it would move away from shore to ride out the storm.

SS Valbanera

Although most of the passengers were booked for Havana, 749 left the ship when it called at Santiago de Cuba on September 5. The 1919 Florida Keys Hurricane hit Havana on September 8, before Valbanera reached the port. While the storm was raging an unidentified ship was seen off the harbor entrance signaling for a pilot, but the harbor was closed and the ship was notified it could not enter. The ship acknowledged, and signaled it would move away from shore to ride out the storm.