Saab MFI13

The Saab MFI 13 was a February 1965 prototype for the Saab 97, later known as Sonett II. It was built at the Malmö Flygindustri as they had some experience with plastic manufacturing. The body of the prototype was made of steel though. A second prototype was designed by Sixten Sason and delivered a month later by ASJ (Aktiebolaget Svenska Järnvägsverkstäderna - the Swedish Railroad Works) in Arlöv. Both cars are now on display in the Saab Museum in Trollhättan.

Saab MFI13

The Saab MFI 13 was a February 1965 prototype for the Saab 97, later known as Sonett II. It was built at the Malmö Flygindustri as they had some experience with plastic manufacturing. The body of the prototype was made of steel though. A second prototype was designed by Sixten Sason and delivered a month later by ASJ (Aktiebolaget Svenska Järnvägsverkstäderna - the Swedish Railroad Works) in Arlöv. Both cars are now on display in the Saab Museum in Trollhättan.