Sailfish OS

Sailfish OS (also styled as SailfishOS or abbreviated to SFOS) is a mobile operating system combining the Linux kernel for a particular hardware platform use, the open-source Mer core middleware, a proprietary UI contributed by Jolla, and other third-party components. The OS is shipped with the Jolla smartphone and tablet (discontinued) and from other vendors licensing the OS. More or less unofficially the OS is being ported by community enthusiasts to third-party mobile devices including smartphones and tablets.

Sailfish OS

Sailfish OS (also styled as SailfishOS or abbreviated to SFOS) is a mobile operating system combining the Linux kernel for a particular hardware platform use, the open-source Mer core middleware, a proprietary UI contributed by Jolla, and other third-party components. The OS is shipped with the Jolla smartphone and tablet (discontinued) and from other vendors licensing the OS. More or less unofficially the OS is being ported by community enthusiasts to third-party mobile devices including smartphones and tablets.