Sami drum

A Sami drum is a membrane-covered oval drum used as shamanistic ceremonial drum by the Sami people. The membrane in made from reindeer hide, strapped over a burl (bowl drums) or over a thin piece of bentwood in the shape of an oval (frame drums). The patterns on the drum membrane reflect the world view of the owner and his family, both in religious matters and in worldly matters such as reindeer herding, hunting, householding and relations to their neighbours and to the non-Sami community.

Sami drum

A Sami drum is a membrane-covered oval drum used as shamanistic ceremonial drum by the Sami people. The membrane in made from reindeer hide, strapped over a burl (bowl drums) or over a thin piece of bentwood in the shape of an oval (frame drums). The patterns on the drum membrane reflect the world view of the owner and his family, both in religious matters and in worldly matters such as reindeer herding, hunting, householding and relations to their neighbours and to the non-Sami community.