Sardinian Action Party

The Sardinian Action Party (Italian: Partito Sardo d'Azione, Sardinian: Partidu Sardu, PSd'Az) is a social-liberal regionalist and separatist political party in Sardinia. While being traditionally part of the Sardinian centre-left, this nationalist party has recently sided with The People of Freedom and, later, Forza Italia, the largest centre-right party in Italy. The PSd'Az is one of the oldest European stateless nationalist parties active promoting the ideal of an independent country and joined the pro-separatist European Free Alliance in 1984.

Sardinian Action Party

The Sardinian Action Party (Italian: Partito Sardo d'Azione, Sardinian: Partidu Sardu, PSd'Az) is a social-liberal regionalist and separatist political party in Sardinia. While being traditionally part of the Sardinian centre-left, this nationalist party has recently sided with The People of Freedom and, later, Forza Italia, the largest centre-right party in Italy. The PSd'Az is one of the oldest European stateless nationalist parties active promoting the ideal of an independent country and joined the pro-separatist European Free Alliance in 1984.