Saskatchewan Marijuana Party

The Saskatchewan Marijuana Party was officially registered as a political party in Saskatchewan, Canada, on June 7, 2006. Since that time, the party has arranged numerous events and raised awareness of cannabis issues in the province of Saskatchewan. On January 13, 2007, the Saskatchewan Marijuana Party hosted its first and founding convention. The Saskatchewan Marijuana Party Founding Constitution was adopted, the leadership and executive council voted on and ratified by the membership, and a handful of policy resolutions were adopted.

Saskatchewan Marijuana Party

The Saskatchewan Marijuana Party was officially registered as a political party in Saskatchewan, Canada, on June 7, 2006. Since that time, the party has arranged numerous events and raised awareness of cannabis issues in the province of Saskatchewan. On January 13, 2007, the Saskatchewan Marijuana Party hosted its first and founding convention. The Saskatchewan Marijuana Party Founding Constitution was adopted, the leadership and executive council voted on and ratified by the membership, and a handful of policy resolutions were adopted.