Satan from the Seventh Grade

Satan from the 7th grade (Polish: Szatan z siódmej klasy) is an 1937 children's book (or rather, a young adult book - a term which did not exist at the time of writing) by Polish writer Kornel Makuszyński. It is considered a classic in Poland, where it has remained in print for decades, whatever changes and upheavals the country passed through. It is also popular in other countries such as Israel, where two Hebrew translations were published - the translators making a considerable effort to translate the colloquial Polish of the original into up-to-date Israeli equivalents.

Satan from the Seventh Grade

Satan from the 7th grade (Polish: Szatan z siódmej klasy) is an 1937 children's book (or rather, a young adult book - a term which did not exist at the time of writing) by Polish writer Kornel Makuszyński. It is considered a classic in Poland, where it has remained in print for decades, whatever changes and upheavals the country passed through. It is also popular in other countries such as Israel, where two Hebrew translations were published - the translators making a considerable effort to translate the colloquial Polish of the original into up-to-date Israeli equivalents.