Saved (TV series)

Saved is a medical drama television series, which was broadcast on TNT in 2006. The series was created by David Manson. The series was premiered on June 12, 2006. The pilot episode, "A Day in the Life", received 5.1 million viewers. The Hollywood Reporter was the first to report that Saved would not be renewed by TNT, followed by various other sources, contradicting reports by the Internet Movie Database that Saved season 2 would begin on TNT with the episode "Epidemic" on March 5, 2007.

Saved (TV series)

Saved is a medical drama television series, which was broadcast on TNT in 2006. The series was created by David Manson. The series was premiered on June 12, 2006. The pilot episode, "A Day in the Life", received 5.1 million viewers. The Hollywood Reporter was the first to report that Saved would not be renewed by TNT, followed by various other sources, contradicting reports by the Internet Movie Database that Saved season 2 would begin on TNT with the episode "Epidemic" on March 5, 2007.