Say Yes demonstrations

The "Say Yes" demonstrations were a series of simultaneous political demonstrations held in major cities across Australia on 5 June 2011 to coincide with World Environment Day. The gatherings were organised as demonstrations of some public support for political action on climate change in Australia, including support for mitigation, investment in renewable energy and decommissioning of fossil fuel power stations and polluting industry. The largest individual gatherings attracting 10,000 in Melbourne and 8,000 in Sydney.

Say Yes demonstrations

The "Say Yes" demonstrations were a series of simultaneous political demonstrations held in major cities across Australia on 5 June 2011 to coincide with World Environment Day. The gatherings were organised as demonstrations of some public support for political action on climate change in Australia, including support for mitigation, investment in renewable energy and decommissioning of fossil fuel power stations and polluting industry. The largest individual gatherings attracting 10,000 in Melbourne and 8,000 in Sydney.