
ScholarlyEditions is a publishing imprint of ScholarlyMedia, LLC. The imprint publishes full-length eBooks in ePUB and PDF formats containing material from the over four million article summaries in the ScholarlyNews database of its partner, NewsRx, LLC. Chapters in ScholarlyEditions eBooks contain full source contact information, full journal citations, keywords, MeSH codes, and quotations from the authors of the original peer-reviewed research. ScholarlyEditions also produces ScholarlyBriefs and ScholarlyPapers, shorter research publications. Each publication is updated annually.


ScholarlyEditions is a publishing imprint of ScholarlyMedia, LLC. The imprint publishes full-length eBooks in ePUB and PDF formats containing material from the over four million article summaries in the ScholarlyNews database of its partner, NewsRx, LLC. Chapters in ScholarlyEditions eBooks contain full source contact information, full journal citations, keywords, MeSH codes, and quotations from the authors of the original peer-reviewed research. ScholarlyEditions also produces ScholarlyBriefs and ScholarlyPapers, shorter research publications. Each publication is updated annually.