Scrap the Japs

Scrap the Japs is an American anti-Japanese cartoon with the popular character Popeye as protagonist. It follows his adventures after being sent for punishment on a ship and running into Japanese sailors. The film was released in 1942 by Famous Studios, a part of Paramount Studios and focuses on racist stereotypes of the Japanese during the war. These images were based on pre-existing images of the Japanese that the American people had in their minds from previous fears about immigration. Because of the racism, this cartoon, along with some other World War II cartoons is now banned from being broadcast in most countries.

Scrap the Japs

Scrap the Japs is an American anti-Japanese cartoon with the popular character Popeye as protagonist. It follows his adventures after being sent for punishment on a ship and running into Japanese sailors. The film was released in 1942 by Famous Studios, a part of Paramount Studios and focuses on racist stereotypes of the Japanese during the war. These images were based on pre-existing images of the Japanese that the American people had in their minds from previous fears about immigration. Because of the racism, this cartoon, along with some other World War II cartoons is now banned from being broadcast in most countries.