Secretariat of the Interior (Mexico)

The Mexican Secretariat of the Interior (Spanish: Secretaría de Gobernación, SEGOB, literally "Secretary of Governorship") is concerned with the country's internal affairs, the presentation of the president's bills to Congress, their publication and certain issues of national security. The country's main intelligence agency, CISEN, depends directly from this branch. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet and the most important cabinet secretary. In 1821, with the integration of the Junta Provisional Gubernativa (Provisional Governing Council), and an urge to organize the country, the regulation that would determine the functions of the so-called Secretariat of Internal and External Relations was published. This newly created organism had the functions of the General Governmen

Secretariat of the Interior (Mexico)

The Mexican Secretariat of the Interior (Spanish: Secretaría de Gobernación, SEGOB, literally "Secretary of Governorship") is concerned with the country's internal affairs, the presentation of the president's bills to Congress, their publication and certain issues of national security. The country's main intelligence agency, CISEN, depends directly from this branch. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet and the most important cabinet secretary. In 1821, with the integration of the Junta Provisional Gubernativa (Provisional Governing Council), and an urge to organize the country, the regulation that would determine the functions of the so-called Secretariat of Internal and External Relations was published. This newly created organism had the functions of the General Governmen