Selimiye Barracks

Selimiye Barracks (Turkish: Selimiye Kışlası), also known as Scutari Barracks, is a Turkish army barracks located in the Üsküdar district on the Asian part of Istanbul, Turkey. It was built first in 1800 by Sultan Selim III for the soldiers of the newly established Nizam-ı Cedid (literally "New Order") in frame of the Ottoman military reform efforts.

Selimiye Barracks

Selimiye Barracks (Turkish: Selimiye Kışlası), also known as Scutari Barracks, is a Turkish army barracks located in the Üsküdar district on the Asian part of Istanbul, Turkey. It was built first in 1800 by Sultan Selim III for the soldiers of the newly established Nizam-ı Cedid (literally "New Order") in frame of the Ottoman military reform efforts.