Seven Doors to Death

At the Hamilton Court shops in Los Angeles, a shot rings out in a darkened apartment. A woman (June Clyde) screams and flees, seeing a car driven by architect Jimmy McMillan (Chick Chandler). Ordering him at gunpoint to speed away, in the rush to get away, the car crashes but the woman disappears. After returning to the scene, McMillan finds a corpse and calls Capt. William Jaffe (Michael Raffetto) but by the time the police arrive, the corpse has mysteriously changed to that of a different victim.

Seven Doors to Death

At the Hamilton Court shops in Los Angeles, a shot rings out in a darkened apartment. A woman (June Clyde) screams and flees, seeing a car driven by architect Jimmy McMillan (Chick Chandler). Ordering him at gunpoint to speed away, in the rush to get away, the car crashes but the woman disappears. After returning to the scene, McMillan finds a corpse and calls Capt. William Jaffe (Michael Raffetto) but by the time the police arrive, the corpse has mysteriously changed to that of a different victim.