Sex Ed (film)

Sex Ed is a 2014 American comedy film directed by Isaac Feder and written by Bill Kennedy. The film stars Haley Joel Osment, Lorenza Izzo, Laura Harring, Abby Elliott, Glen Powell and Matt Walsh. Sex Ed premiered at the Portland Film Festival on August 29, 2014, and was released in theaters on November 7, 2014, by MarVista Entertainment.

Sex Ed (film)

Sex Ed is a 2014 American comedy film directed by Isaac Feder and written by Bill Kennedy. The film stars Haley Joel Osment, Lorenza Izzo, Laura Harring, Abby Elliott, Glen Powell and Matt Walsh. Sex Ed premiered at the Portland Film Festival on August 29, 2014, and was released in theaters on November 7, 2014, by MarVista Entertainment.