Shallow Be Thy Game

"Shallow Be Thy Game" is a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers and was the fourth single from their 1995 album, One Hot Minute. The single was released in Australia only. It was also the only single from the album not to have a music video made for it, as it was a promotional single in Australia released during their May 1996 Australian tour dates. The song is quite polemic in its direct assault on fundamentalist religion, which the lyrics openly mock.

Shallow Be Thy Game

"Shallow Be Thy Game" is a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers and was the fourth single from their 1995 album, One Hot Minute. The single was released in Australia only. It was also the only single from the album not to have a music video made for it, as it was a promotional single in Australia released during their May 1996 Australian tour dates. The song is quite polemic in its direct assault on fundamentalist religion, which the lyrics openly mock.