Shannon's Deal

Shannon's Deal is an American legal drama that aired on NBC from April 16, 1990 until May 21, 1991. The series was created by John Sayles and executive produced by Stan Rogow. The show centers on a successful Philadelphia corporate lawyer named Jack Shannon (Jamey Sheridan), who lost his family and his job to a compulsive gambling habit. The saga of Shannon, who leaves a prestigious law firm after years of becoming unhappy with the legal system and being forced to take his clients to court, and whom subsequently opens his own low-rent practice, was first explored in the high-rated two-hour movie pilot, which NBC aired on June 4, 1989 and repeated April 13th 1990, ahead of the series premiere.

Shannon's Deal

Shannon's Deal is an American legal drama that aired on NBC from April 16, 1990 until May 21, 1991. The series was created by John Sayles and executive produced by Stan Rogow. The show centers on a successful Philadelphia corporate lawyer named Jack Shannon (Jamey Sheridan), who lost his family and his job to a compulsive gambling habit. The saga of Shannon, who leaves a prestigious law firm after years of becoming unhappy with the legal system and being forced to take his clients to court, and whom subsequently opens his own low-rent practice, was first explored in the high-rated two-hour movie pilot, which NBC aired on June 4, 1989 and repeated April 13th 1990, ahead of the series premiere.