Shoot a Crooked Arrow

"Shoot a Crooked Arrow" is the 35th episode of the Batman television series. It was the series' second season opener on ABC, originally airing September 7, 1966 (with a repeat taking place on May 31, 1967), as well as the first to air first-run on The Alphabet Network since the release of the 1966 Batman motion picture, and guest starred Art Carney as The Archer.

Shoot a Crooked Arrow

"Shoot a Crooked Arrow" is the 35th episode of the Batman television series. It was the series' second season opener on ABC, originally airing September 7, 1966 (with a repeat taking place on May 31, 1967), as well as the first to air first-run on The Alphabet Network since the release of the 1966 Batman motion picture, and guest starred Art Carney as The Archer.