Shootout on Juneau Wharf

The Shootout on Juneau Wharf was a gunfight that occurred at about 9:15 pm on Friday, July 8, 1898, in Skagway, District of Alaska, in the United States. It was a duel between Jefferson Randolph 'Soapy' Smith and Frank H. Reid and Jesse Murphy, in which Smith and Reid were shot to death. They were fighting over the control of the town of Skagway, which at the time was an important port for the Klondike gold rush.

Shootout on Juneau Wharf

The Shootout on Juneau Wharf was a gunfight that occurred at about 9:15 pm on Friday, July 8, 1898, in Skagway, District of Alaska, in the United States. It was a duel between Jefferson Randolph 'Soapy' Smith and Frank H. Reid and Jesse Murphy, in which Smith and Reid were shot to death. They were fighting over the control of the town of Skagway, which at the time was an important port for the Klondike gold rush.