Siege of Florence (405)

The Siege of Florence was a battle that occurred in either 405 or 406 AD, between the Goths and the Roman Empire at Florence. In 405 AD the Germanic hordes invaded the Roman Empire by crossing the Danube into Pannonia and reached northern Italy by the end of the year. At this point the Barbarians divided into three armies, of which the one under Radagaisus attacked Florence. Stilicho gathered his force at Ticinum, and withdrew to Fiesole just before the battle. The Romans were able to cut off the Ostrogoth supply lines and massacre the invaders. Radagaisus was executed on 13 August 406 AD.

Siege of Florence (405)

The Siege of Florence was a battle that occurred in either 405 or 406 AD, between the Goths and the Roman Empire at Florence. In 405 AD the Germanic hordes invaded the Roman Empire by crossing the Danube into Pannonia and reached northern Italy by the end of the year. At this point the Barbarians divided into three armies, of which the one under Radagaisus attacked Florence. Stilicho gathered his force at Ticinum, and withdrew to Fiesole just before the battle. The Romans were able to cut off the Ostrogoth supply lines and massacre the invaders. Radagaisus was executed on 13 August 406 AD.