Siege of Kanie

The 1584 siege of Kanie was one of many elements in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's campaign to consolidate his power over the lands held by the Oda clan in Owari province, Japan. This event actually consisted of two sieges. When Hideyoshi came to attack Kanie castle, it was held by Maeda Tanetoshi on behalf of the Oda. However, Hideyoshi had pardoned Maeda's cousin Takigawa Kazumasu for his support of Shibata Katsuie, and as a result Kazumasu was an ally of Hideyoshi. He convinced his cousin Maeda to switch sides, joining Hideyoshi and giving up the castle to him.

Siege of Kanie

The 1584 siege of Kanie was one of many elements in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's campaign to consolidate his power over the lands held by the Oda clan in Owari province, Japan. This event actually consisted of two sieges. When Hideyoshi came to attack Kanie castle, it was held by Maeda Tanetoshi on behalf of the Oda. However, Hideyoshi had pardoned Maeda's cousin Takigawa Kazumasu for his support of Shibata Katsuie, and as a result Kazumasu was an ally of Hideyoshi. He convinced his cousin Maeda to switch sides, joining Hideyoshi and giving up the castle to him.