
Simardoceras is a genus in the discosorid (nautiloid cephalopod) family Westonoceratidae from the Middle Ordovician of Quebec. The shell of Simardoceras is a moderately expanding exogastric cyrtocone, said to resemble a rather large Oncoceras, but with a siphuncle that is definitely discosorid. The venter is almost uniformly convex in longitudinal profile. The dorsal profile changes from concave in the apical portion to straight, then slightly convex at the front of the phragmocone and back of the body chamber, the concave again near the aperture.


Simardoceras is a genus in the discosorid (nautiloid cephalopod) family Westonoceratidae from the Middle Ordovician of Quebec. The shell of Simardoceras is a moderately expanding exogastric cyrtocone, said to resemble a rather large Oncoceras, but with a siphuncle that is definitely discosorid. The venter is almost uniformly convex in longitudinal profile. The dorsal profile changes from concave in the apical portion to straight, then slightly convex at the front of the phragmocone and back of the body chamber, the concave again near the aperture.