Sing Me Something New

Sing Me Something New is the first solo album by Portuguese pop rock singer David Fonseca. It was released in Portugal in 2003. David Fonseca wrote all the songs and played most of the instruments in the album. The first single from his debut album was the mellow track "Someone That Cannot Love". The second and last single, the danceable anthem "The 80's" was chosen by Vodafone to their summer spot. The album reached gold status, by selling more than 30 000 copies.

Sing Me Something New

Sing Me Something New is the first solo album by Portuguese pop rock singer David Fonseca. It was released in Portugal in 2003. David Fonseca wrote all the songs and played most of the instruments in the album. The first single from his debut album was the mellow track "Someone That Cannot Love". The second and last single, the danceable anthem "The 80's" was chosen by Vodafone to their summer spot. The album reached gold status, by selling more than 30 000 copies.