Sleeping Betty

Sleeping Betty is a Canadian animated short film that humorously reinterprets the classic fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty. Awards for the film include Best Animated Short at the 29th Genie Awards, the Audience Award at the Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival, the Audience Award and Judges Award at the Melbourne International Animation Festival, Best Animation at the Jutra Award, as well as the Public Prize and the Best Canadian Animation Award at the Ottawa International Animation Festival.

Sleeping Betty

Sleeping Betty is a Canadian animated short film that humorously reinterprets the classic fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty. Awards for the film include Best Animated Short at the 29th Genie Awards, the Audience Award at the Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival, the Audience Award and Judges Award at the Melbourne International Animation Festival, Best Animation at the Jutra Award, as well as the Public Prize and the Best Canadian Animation Award at the Ottawa International Animation Festival.