Sofia Nădejde

Sofia Nădejde (born Sofia Băncilă; September 14, 1856–June 11, 1946) was a Romanian novelist, playwright, translator, journalist, women's rights activist and socialist. Born in Botoșani , her parents were merchant Vasile Băncilă-Gheorghiu and his wife Pulheria (née Neculce). Her husband was journalist Ioan Nădejde, and she was the sister of painter Octav Băncilă. She attended primary and girl's boarding school in her native town, taking her high school leaving examination in Iași. A member of the socialist circle in the latter city, she undertook a sustained journalistic campaign for women's social and political emancipation. In 1893, she led Evenimentul literar magazine; publications that ran her work include Femeia română, the official socialist Contemporanul, Drepturile omului, Literatu

Sofia Nădejde

Sofia Nădejde (born Sofia Băncilă; September 14, 1856–June 11, 1946) was a Romanian novelist, playwright, translator, journalist, women's rights activist and socialist. Born in Botoșani , her parents were merchant Vasile Băncilă-Gheorghiu and his wife Pulheria (née Neculce). Her husband was journalist Ioan Nădejde, and she was the sister of painter Octav Băncilă. She attended primary and girl's boarding school in her native town, taking her high school leaving examination in Iași. A member of the socialist circle in the latter city, she undertook a sustained journalistic campaign for women's social and political emancipation. In 1893, she led Evenimentul literar magazine; publications that ran her work include Femeia română, the official socialist Contemporanul, Drepturile omului, Literatu