Sonic Underground

Sonic Underground is an animated series that follows the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and his siblings, Sonia and Manic. The cartoon follows a main plot separate from all other Sonic the Hedgehog media, where Sonic had siblings that were collectively part of a royal family who were forced to separate from their mother, Queen Aleena, upon Robotnik's takeover of Mobius due to a prophecy told by the Oracle of Delphius. The series was produced by DIC Entertainment and TF1, and first premiered in France on 6 January 1999 on TF1, and then premiered in the United Kingdom on 2 May 1999 on ITV1 and finally in the United States in syndication on 30 August 1999. It was the first Sonic the Hedgehog television series to be sold on the iTunes Store. The series ran only for one season, consisting of

Sonic Underground

Sonic Underground is an animated series that follows the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and his siblings, Sonia and Manic. The cartoon follows a main plot separate from all other Sonic the Hedgehog media, where Sonic had siblings that were collectively part of a royal family who were forced to separate from their mother, Queen Aleena, upon Robotnik's takeover of Mobius due to a prophecy told by the Oracle of Delphius. The series was produced by DIC Entertainment and TF1, and first premiered in France on 6 January 1999 on TF1, and then premiered in the United Kingdom on 2 May 1999 on ITV1 and finally in the United States in syndication on 30 August 1999. It was the first Sonic the Hedgehog television series to be sold on the iTunes Store. The series ran only for one season, consisting of