
Sorcery! is a single-player four-part adventure gamebook series written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Blanche. Originally published by Penguin Books between 1983 and 1985, the titles are part of the Fighting Fantasy canon, but were not numbered within the original 59-book series. Sorcery! was reissued by Wizard Books in 2003 and was released as an app for iOS and Android devices in 2014. In 2016 it was ported to PC.


Sorcery! is a single-player four-part adventure gamebook series written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Blanche. Originally published by Penguin Books between 1983 and 1985, the titles are part of the Fighting Fantasy canon, but were not numbered within the original 59-book series. Sorcery! was reissued by Wizard Books in 2003 and was released as an app for iOS and Android devices in 2014. In 2016 it was ported to PC.