
Sotra or Store Sotra is the name of a large island in Hordaland county, Norway, located just west of the city of Bergen. It is part of a pair of islands called Sotra that are part of a large archipelago stretching from Fedje southwards along the coast of Norway. The larger island of the two is Store Sotra (also called Sotra), and the smaller (but most populated) of the two is Litlesotra. Roughly 30,500 people live on the two islands of Sotra.


Sotra or Store Sotra is the name of a large island in Hordaland county, Norway, located just west of the city of Bergen. It is part of a pair of islands called Sotra that are part of a large archipelago stretching from Fedje southwards along the coast of Norway. The larger island of the two is Store Sotra (also called Sotra), and the smaller (but most populated) of the two is Litlesotra. Roughly 30,500 people live on the two islands of Sotra.