Spanish Alternative

Spanish Alternative (Spanish: Alternativa Española, AES) is a nationwide Spanish political party, whose ideology is framed within the conservative right-wing. It describes itself such as "Christian democrat and transversal". Its Secretary General is the lawyer and businessman Rafael López-Diéguez, former member of the far-right New Force, active formation during the Transition and managed by his father-in-law, the historic leader Blas Piñar, who was named honorary president of AES, a post which he held until his death in January 2014. The party is considered inheritor of New Force. AES doesn't use symbols of Franco's regime, though. It maintains contacts with the party Navarrese and Spanish Right (DNE).

Spanish Alternative

Spanish Alternative (Spanish: Alternativa Española, AES) is a nationwide Spanish political party, whose ideology is framed within the conservative right-wing. It describes itself such as "Christian democrat and transversal". Its Secretary General is the lawyer and businessman Rafael López-Diéguez, former member of the far-right New Force, active formation during the Transition and managed by his father-in-law, the historic leader Blas Piñar, who was named honorary president of AES, a post which he held until his death in January 2014. The party is considered inheritor of New Force. AES doesn't use symbols of Franco's regime, though. It maintains contacts with the party Navarrese and Spanish Right (DNE).