Spike and Tyke

Spike & Tyke is a theatrical animated short subject series, based upon the American bulldog father-and-son team from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Tom and Jerry cartoons. Only two films were made in this spin-off series: Give and Tyke and Scat Cats, both released in 1957, and produced in CinemaScope and Technicolor, as the cartoon studio shut down the year the spin-off series was started.

Spike and Tyke

Spike & Tyke is a theatrical animated short subject series, based upon the American bulldog father-and-son team from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Tom and Jerry cartoons. Only two films were made in this spin-off series: Give and Tyke and Scat Cats, both released in 1957, and produced in CinemaScope and Technicolor, as the cartoon studio shut down the year the spin-off series was started.