
Spikeball is a popular modified version of 2v2 volleyball created in 1989 by Jeff Knurek and abandoned in the 1990s. From 2008 - present Kankakee Inc. (USA) and Spikeball Europe Sport, Marketing & Entertainment GmbH (Europe) made Spikeball popular. It was also featured on ABC's Shark Tank. There are multiple ways to play Spikeball. Most games consist of four players, but there are also two- and six-player variants. Differences include where the players line up, infraction penalties, among others. The materials used in Spikeball include a small trampoline-like object with string netting, a small bouncing ball (usually yellow) with a 12-inch circumference, and four players. In standard play, players line up next to each other around the trampoline; in other versions, they line up across from


Spikeball is a popular modified version of 2v2 volleyball created in 1989 by Jeff Knurek and abandoned in the 1990s. From 2008 - present Kankakee Inc. (USA) and Spikeball Europe Sport, Marketing & Entertainment GmbH (Europe) made Spikeball popular. It was also featured on ABC's Shark Tank. There are multiple ways to play Spikeball. Most games consist of four players, but there are also two- and six-player variants. Differences include where the players line up, infraction penalties, among others. The materials used in Spikeball include a small trampoline-like object with string netting, a small bouncing ball (usually yellow) with a 12-inch circumference, and four players. In standard play, players line up next to each other around the trampoline; in other versions, they line up across from