
Spyke (Evan Daniels) is a character who was briefly a member of the X-Men in the animated series X-Men: Evolution. Created by writer Robert N. Skir and artist Steven E. Gordon, he first appeared in "Speed And Spyke", episode #5 (December 9, 2000), where he was voiced by Neil Denis. Spyke is a high-school freshman with the mutant ability to project spikes out of his body.


Spyke (Evan Daniels) is a character who was briefly a member of the X-Men in the animated series X-Men: Evolution. Created by writer Robert N. Skir and artist Steven E. Gordon, he first appeared in "Speed And Spyke", episode #5 (December 9, 2000), where he was voiced by Neil Denis. Spyke is a high-school freshman with the mutant ability to project spikes out of his body.