Sri Tanjung

Sri Tanjung also known as the tale of Banyuwangi (Javanese for "fragrance water") is a Javanese folklore telling a story about a faithful wife that is being wrongfully accused. The story is popular since the era of Majapahit kingdom. The story usually performed as kidung a poem sung or chanted in Javanese tembang. The Kidung Sri Tanjung are known to be performed in traditional Javanese ruwatan ceremony. The name Sri Tanjung was connected to Tanjung flower (Mimusops elengi), a flower with sweet fragrance.

Sri Tanjung

Sri Tanjung also known as the tale of Banyuwangi (Javanese for "fragrance water") is a Javanese folklore telling a story about a faithful wife that is being wrongfully accused. The story is popular since the era of Majapahit kingdom. The story usually performed as kidung a poem sung or chanted in Javanese tembang. The Kidung Sri Tanjung are known to be performed in traditional Javanese ruwatan ceremony. The name Sri Tanjung was connected to Tanjung flower (Mimusops elengi), a flower with sweet fragrance.