St Conleth's College

St. Conleth's College is a fee-paying Catholic school in Dublin, Ireland, founded in 1939, by Bernard Sheppard, who ran the school from 16 Clyde Road until, due to demand, the school was upgraded to the larger premises at 28 Clyde Road. St. Conleth's initially opened on the day Germany declared war on Poland. The sons of both the Polish and German ambassadors to Ireland attended St. Conleth's together on that day.

St Conleth's College

St. Conleth's College is a fee-paying Catholic school in Dublin, Ireland, founded in 1939, by Bernard Sheppard, who ran the school from 16 Clyde Road until, due to demand, the school was upgraded to the larger premises at 28 Clyde Road. St. Conleth's initially opened on the day Germany declared war on Poland. The sons of both the Polish and German ambassadors to Ireland attended St. Conleth's together on that day.