Star (2016 TV series)

Star is an upcoming American musical drama television series created by Lee Daniels and Tom Donaghy for Fox. It revolves around three talented young singers (played by Jude Demorest, Ryan Destiny and Brittany O’Grady) who navigate the music business on their road to success. The series, which is set in Atlanta, will consist of original music, along with musical fantasy sequences, as dreams of the future. Thirteen episodes has been ordered, which will premiere during the 2016–2017 television season. Queen Latifah, Benjamin Bratt and Nicholas Gonzalez co-star.

Star (2016 TV series)

Star is an upcoming American musical drama television series created by Lee Daniels and Tom Donaghy for Fox. It revolves around three talented young singers (played by Jude Demorest, Ryan Destiny and Brittany O’Grady) who navigate the music business on their road to success. The series, which is set in Atlanta, will consist of original music, along with musical fantasy sequences, as dreams of the future. Thirteen episodes has been ordered, which will premiere during the 2016–2017 television season. Queen Latifah, Benjamin Bratt and Nicholas Gonzalez co-star.