Star Wars sources and analogues

Star Wars – the space opera saga and cultural touchstone – is acknowledged to have been inspired by many sources. These include Hinduism, Qigong, Greek philosophy, Greek mythology, Roman history, Roman mythology, parts of the Abrahamic religions, Confucianism, Shintō and Taoism, and countless cinematic precursors. There’s also speculation that Star Wars also takes inspirations from pre-Roman Celtic folklore (King Arthur’s legends are post-Roman, set around the third century AD.)

Star Wars sources and analogues

Star Wars – the space opera saga and cultural touchstone – is acknowledged to have been inspired by many sources. These include Hinduism, Qigong, Greek philosophy, Greek mythology, Roman history, Roman mythology, parts of the Abrahamic religions, Confucianism, Shintō and Taoism, and countless cinematic precursors. There’s also speculation that Star Wars also takes inspirations from pre-Roman Celtic folklore (King Arthur’s legends are post-Roman, set around the third century AD.)