Starshy michman

Starshy michman (Russian: Старший мичман, English: Senior michman) is in the Navy of the Russian Federation, as well as in number of other countries, the designation to first or highest rank in the Michman career group. The rank is equivalent to Starshy praposhik in Army and Air Force. According to NATO-ranksystem the rank might be comparable to OR-9a in Anglophone armed forces.

Starshy michman

Starshy michman (Russian: Старший мичман, English: Senior michman) is in the Navy of the Russian Federation, as well as in number of other countries, the designation to first or highest rank in the Michman career group. The rank is equivalent to Starshy praposhik in Army and Air Force. According to NATO-ranksystem the rank might be comparable to OR-9a in Anglophone armed forces.