Stepping switch

In electrical controls, a stepping switch or uniselector (UK), also known as a stepping relay, is an electromechanical device which allows an input connection to be connected to one of a number of possible output connections, under the control of a series of electrical pulses. Stepping switches were used in Japanese cypher machines during World War 2, known to the Americans as CORAL, JADE, and PURPLE. World war 2 code breakers at Bletchley Park employed motor uniselectors in Colossus and Tunny to decrypt German ciphers.

Stepping switch

In electrical controls, a stepping switch or uniselector (UK), also known as a stepping relay, is an electromechanical device which allows an input connection to be connected to one of a number of possible output connections, under the control of a series of electrical pulses. Stepping switches were used in Japanese cypher machines during World War 2, known to the Americans as CORAL, JADE, and PURPLE. World war 2 code breakers at Bletchley Park employed motor uniselectors in Colossus and Tunny to decrypt German ciphers.