Stone Soup (comic strip)

Stone Soup, renamed for the stone soup fable, is an internationally syndicated American comic strip written and illustrated by Jan Eliot. The comic strip began as a weekly in 1990, and ran for five years in the Eugene, Oregon Register-Guard under the name "Sister City", before being syndicated. The syndicated daily strip debuted in November 1995. Universal Press syndicate reportedly requested the name change because they felt that the original name might be perceived by some readers as too "feminist" in orientation. In October 2015, the strip ceased daily production but Eliot planned to continue producing the Sunday version.

Stone Soup (comic strip)

Stone Soup, renamed for the stone soup fable, is an internationally syndicated American comic strip written and illustrated by Jan Eliot. The comic strip began as a weekly in 1990, and ran for five years in the Eugene, Oregon Register-Guard under the name "Sister City", before being syndicated. The syndicated daily strip debuted in November 1995. Universal Press syndicate reportedly requested the name change because they felt that the original name might be perceived by some readers as too "feminist" in orientation. In October 2015, the strip ceased daily production but Eliot planned to continue producing the Sunday version.