Story of Seasons (series)

Story of Seasons, known in Japan as Bokujō Monogatari (牧場物語 lit. Farm Story), and formerly known as Harvest Moon, is a farm simulation role-playing video game series created by Yasuhiro Wada and produced by Victor Interactive Software (acquired by Marvelous Entertainment in 2003, now Marvelous Inc.). Story of Seasons is the first game to be released under the new series title of the same name.

Story of Seasons (series)

Story of Seasons, known in Japan as Bokujō Monogatari (牧場物語 lit. Farm Story), and formerly known as Harvest Moon, is a farm simulation role-playing video game series created by Yasuhiro Wada and produced by Victor Interactive Software (acquired by Marvelous Entertainment in 2003, now Marvelous Inc.). Story of Seasons is the first game to be released under the new series title of the same name.