Stubb Cabinet

Alexander Stubb's cabinet was the 73rd Government of Finland, which came into office on 24 June 2014. It succeeded Jyrki Katainen's cabinet. In September 2014 Green League decided to depart the government after the majority of the cabinet voted to approve a new decision-in-principle for the Fennovoima nuclear project. The portfolios held by Green Legue were divided between the leading National Coalition Party and Social Democratic Party, so that Sirpa Paatero was chosen as the Minister for International Development and Sanni Grahn-Laasonen as Minister of the Environment.

Stubb Cabinet

Alexander Stubb's cabinet was the 73rd Government of Finland, which came into office on 24 June 2014. It succeeded Jyrki Katainen's cabinet. In September 2014 Green League decided to depart the government after the majority of the cabinet voted to approve a new decision-in-principle for the Fennovoima nuclear project. The portfolios held by Green Legue were divided between the leading National Coalition Party and Social Democratic Party, so that Sirpa Paatero was chosen as the Minister for International Development and Sanni Grahn-Laasonen as Minister of the Environment.