Student approaches to learning

Student Approaches to Learning is a theory that students will take a different approach to how they study, depending upon the perceived objectives of the course they are studying. The theory was developed from the clinical studies of two educational psychologists, Ference Marton and Roger Säljö, who found that students, in relation to any given learning task, can be divided into two distinct groups: * those who took an understanding approach to learning, * and those who took a reproduction approach to learning. These are commonly referred to as the "deep" and "surface" approaches.

Student approaches to learning

Student Approaches to Learning is a theory that students will take a different approach to how they study, depending upon the perceived objectives of the course they are studying. The theory was developed from the clinical studies of two educational psychologists, Ference Marton and Roger Säljö, who found that students, in relation to any given learning task, can be divided into two distinct groups: * those who took an understanding approach to learning, * and those who took a reproduction approach to learning. These are commonly referred to as the "deep" and "surface" approaches.